Friday, June 1, 2007

What Can I Say? I'm A Thinker...

Today is June 1st. I LOVE June! "Why?" you ask.

Because June is my birthday month.

That's right I celebrate BIG! BirthDAYs are just not long enough, so why not have BirthMONTHs and carry on the party for a good 30 to 31 days (or 28 or 29 if your birthmonth is February).

My grand idea? Because I turn 30 this month and there are 30 days in June I decided to treat you with a photograph of myself each day this June. Of course, these photos will be selected by moi, and they will only be cute ones, not any gross adolescent pics. Each photo will be accompanied by its own caption.

Let's begin; shall we?

Isn't it a shame this 70's couch outshines my babykin cuteness?

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